Asset and Performance Management, Simplified.

Upptimely - the home of #intelligentAdmin for the global health sector.

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Do you recognise any of these issues?


Bang for your buck?


You have 3 MRI’s worth $5M and pay $300k per year in service contracts. But do you really know what you are getting in return for that expenditure?

Capacity management


The number of your MR examinations increases tenfold every year, yet your costs and queues are getting larger. Do you have the capacity, efficiency, and performance to cope?

Manual data entry


You spend hours doing manual data entry from the multiple service reports emailed to you by your suppliers. Why isn’t this tedious and basic process automated?




How we can help


Upptimely is a modern and intuitive asset and performance management system for the healthcare sector that reduces admin overheads by automating workflows, helps you regain control of your assets by providing real-time statistics, and which ultimately helps you to improve quality control, management reporting, and save you time and money.



Watch the short video below for an overview of Upptimely's key features



Key Features

Workflow automation

Upptimely uses machine learning to read and interpret your service reports, automatically linking them to your machine inventory and updating the performance statistics and logbook for you. Operators can easily raise tickets, which can then be forwarded on to other staff, technicians, and external service providers at the push of a button.

Real-time utilization and performance statistics

Upptimely allows you to regain control of your assets, providing accurate, up-to-the-minute data on machine utilization, downtime, and ongoing issues based on the constraints of your service level agreements. Reports can be dynamically created and scheduled to deliver results at desired intervals directly into your inbox.

Quality and cost control

Upptimely allows you to quickly and easily compare and extract data across operations, geographies, suppliers and modalities, helping you to keep track of costs and productivity. It also provides a searchable data repository for all of your documentation, contracts, reports and service level agreements.

Our Customers




Who We Are


Michael Taylor

Born in a dark corner of Derbyshire, Michael is feeling better now, and has spent the last 20 years living in Stockholm. He is an award-winning entrepreneur with a proven track record in managing start ups. He was previously the founder of Code4000, europe's first coding in prison project.

Preben Andreassen

Despite being a mere youngster, Preben has years of experience in the Nordic Health Sector behind him already. A happy Norwegian guy, he has lived and worked in Stockholm for the past 15 years. Founder of Precuris, he comes with a proven track record in the Nordic MedTech sector. He is also our go-to guy for hats and percussion.

Richard Dickson

Richard is our resident Code Poet and is all over the place, literally. He grew up in Hong Kong, studied Theology at Oxford, Economics at the LSE, and now writes code. He is the former head IT boffin for Selecta Nordics.

Get started

Thirty days free trial

We think Upptimely is the most intelligent inventory and performance management system for healthcare on the planet. But don’t take our word for it!


Try us out free for a month and see for yourself how much time, energy and money we can save you. We will even help you import your existing data, so that you can trial it in real life, all with no obligation. If you then decide to join us, you pay a simple flat monthly fee, which you can terminate at any time, with no penalties or questions asked. Simple.

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